Two days ago, Donald Trump promised his military roundup of millions of immigrants will be a "bloody story". The crowd cheered. If you don't see Hitler and Nazis in the MAGA movement, you aren't paying attention.
In the Twitterverse, this is what people are saying: How are we ok with this? How are we sleepwalking into a presidency where Trump is promising to be a dictator, terminate the constitution, put the military on the streets, round up his political opponents, and violently deport undocumented immigrants?
The promise of blood being spilled is of course a feature, not a bug, of Trump's promised immigration policy. Impending bloodshed is the oil that keeps the Trump train rolling. The brutality is the point. Trump fantasizes about unleashing violence against groups and people he dislikes.
Go back and study history. This is exactly what you would expect a fascist movement to look like in the United States. Donald Trump and the House Republicans shot down that huge bipartisan border bill, because he didn't want to lose one of his campaign issues. He had nothing else to run on.